Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 114: 142.5

What a morning. I learned one thing. Beware of trainers on an unforgiving day! I had a serious workout at 8 a.m. I barely had a cup of coffee before I made it there for my ass-beating ; ]

Today's Stats:

Cardio: 45 min 450 calories burned Resistance 8
Strength: 20ish Burpee's, 25x3 dumbbell snatch's, lunges, push up bar, row, abs, cobra, back extensions.

Breakfast: 10 a.m. Omelet with a little jack cheese and spinach + some berries
Lunch: Salad with vinaigrette
Dinner: Pork loin and squash

Burned about: 800 Calories between my training and cardio.

Ate about: 1200 calories.

I'm going to feel this in the morning, that's for sure. I'm so close to being in the 130's again. It's been YEARS, even when I was that thin, I wasn't fit like this. I can't believe how fast the weight is coming off since I started really applying myself and taking supplements.

Yesterday, I saw people I hadn't seen since last summer. They couldn't believe how much weight I lost. My old boss didn't even recognize me!

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